Main screen (Home)


The main screen of the control console contains the top bar and the panels of the individual action nodes (e.g. SMARWI) and sensors.

SMARWI panel


SMARWI panel contains 3 control buttons:

pic1 pic2 pic3 or pic4
Open Close Stop/Release/Hold
  • Stop/Release/Hold

    This button function is based on the state:

    • stops the action being taken
    • or release the ridge if being fixed by motor (dotted button border)
    • or will fix the ridge, if being free (full button border).

Status information

Current SMARWI status information are displayed bellow the buttons. So whether it is open, closed, fixed, plans are paused, calibration is needed or error information is shown. The SMARWI panel bar shows the name you called SMARWI and the arrow leading to the menus like Plans, Settings and Pause/Run plans.